Froghop can help with either specific services or an end-to-end engagement. We can help from ideas phase and product development right up to scaling up for production. We also have a range of post-launch services.

Full-service food product development

We can run the full development process for you. From generating a product concept to your brief to sales launch in full commercial manufacturing, we can take care of the whole lifecycle. For full-service engagements we recommend that we provide a project overview plan with detailed quotations for each stage of the process.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements in detail prior to providing a detailed proposal.

Download our product development process flowchart to get an idea of how the process works and what you need to do get from idea to launch.

Help with specific tasks

Product development involves a number of different aspects – one or more of which you may require help with. For example, if your product is not achieving the right shelf life, you need to find a manufacturer or you require help with labelling.

Contact Froghop for a competitive quote for any of our specific services. We can usually solve your problem quickly and efficiently.

Ad-hoc support

Some of our clients appreciate a service where we’re available to provide support or advice in an ad-hoc way. Accessing Froghop’s experience – by phone, Skype, email or in-person – can be invaluable but cost-effective as you navigate your food product development.

This can be as little as an hour a month but our clients find that having an expert available is far more efficient than the hours and days you might spend trying to find the answer alone. Contact us for more information.

To discuss your specific requirements and find out how we can help you develop and create successful food and drink products, contact Froghop today.